Its been a few months since I last posted about my adventures here in Nanny Land and I have to say, I have enjoyed the journey. I have been so busy and so blessed by this family and these tiny humans, I just never got back into posting. It would be wrong to not invite you, my dear friends, fans, and curious passers by, to experience snippets of the Sensational family I have the pleasure of loving.

Liam’s 2nd birthday party was a while ago and I am just now finding the pictures.  I had a lot, but sadly snap chat got most of them. Here are just a few though. He had a fun pool/ ice cream party and was so excited to open presents. Each time he received a gift he would smile and ask, “Is it for me?” The answer was always yes and it was greeted with a wide grin and a joyful “Thank You” to whom ever had given it to him. His favorite gift was a red tricycle from Mommy and Daddy.

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Here are some random and fun pics from what I believe has been an amazing summer!

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An Awesome night a Wonderland Family Fun Center is to thank for the following pictures, prizes, and the 3 happily worn out children who went quietly to their beds upon returning home.

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Last Friday the Cusick Fair is where Rory and the kids spent the afternoon! It was a blast!!

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Although the summer is ending and my technical title of Nanny is over in the next month, a new and exciting chapter has already started. The plot twists to reveal a new house for my family, a house that I too will be living in. In addition to the new house, there is to be…. A New Baby!!!! Congratulations to my lovely lady Diana and her hubby Rory!!!!


There is still a lot to do with the house and moving in on… MONDAY, but we totally got this!  I do intend to post house pics as soon as I can. I am so excited with the progress from before til now and we still have soo much to do, but everything is looking AMAzing!!!


Found the camera!!! Here come the pics of what the kids have been up to!!!20150614_150055 20150614_150056(0) 20150614_150056 20150614_152104 20150614_152106 20150614_152110(0) 20150614_152226 20150618_184259 1434308363332 1434308413440 1434308456933 1434406315002 1434411484508 1434749181559 1434750415560 1434751091029 1434751138721 1434759144036 1434766049655 IMG_20150615_170349

I love these little ones. They are a blast and a blessing, fearless in most things and so much fun. I will post more soon, but I need to go — Liam is awake!!

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Its 9:15 on this beautiful Saturday morning and Nikki and I are both awake eating breakfast. Jennifer spent the night at a friend’s home and Liam is still fast asleep. I realized yesterday that I did not post this last week, and a lot happened. Liam turned 2, and Jennifer Rocked at her dance recital. There were many beautiful days and fun was had at the waterfront and pool. I plan to upload as many pics as possible as soon as I pull them off my camera.

The plan today is let Liam sleep in as long as possible- Nikki’s recital is this evening!! Once Liam wakes up, eats, and gets cleaned up, we are off to the pool or river for about an hour to an hour and a half, and then back to the house to get ready to go into town for the recital. Its going to be a funtastic day, busy but awesome.

Almost 2 year old being Awesome!!
Almost 2 year old being Awesome!!
jenn ballet
The Lovely Jennifer after her Recital
Liam with dad at Jennifer's recital, waiting to give her flowers
Liam with dad at Jennifer’s recital, waiting to give her flowers

Summer time!

It is officially summertime in our neck of the woods! Temperatures in the 80’s and a perfectly functioning pool make for great days of sun and fun. So far we have had picnics at the pool, game days in the small field, and sand castle building at the waterfront. Hiking and dance parties soon to come. With great fun will come great pictures and videos as soon as I pull them (remember to pull them) from my camera.

Nikki mad a new friend before bed!
Nikki mad a new friend before bed!

Apr 30, 2015 063915 PM


Almost summertime!


I love that it is Spring time/almost Summer!! The kids and I spend a lot of time outside. Nikki’s coat, though highly fashionable, is usually worn as an arm accessory by me. It is much too warm for her to be bothered with it once we are actually outside in the glorious 60-70 degree weather. Soon the pool will be up and ready and swimming will be another daily activity!!!